Commentary & Edited Volumes
Kiehn O and Churchland MM (2015) Editorial overview: Motor circuits and action. Current Opinion in Neurobiology
Churchland MM & Abbott LF (2012) Two layers of neural variability. News and Views, Nature Neuroscience. 15(11): 1472-1474.
Shenoy-era publications
Sussillo D, Churchland MM, Kaufman MT, and Shenoy KV (2015) A neural network that finds naturalistic solutions for the production of muscle activity. Nature Neuroscience doi: 10.1038/nn.4042
Kao JC, Nuyujukian P, Ryu SI, Churchland MM, Cunningham JP, Shenoy KV (2015). Single-trial dynamics of motor cortex and their applications to brain-machine interfaces. Nat Commun. Jul 29;6:7759. doi: 10.1038/ncomms8759.
Kaufman MT, Churchland MM, Ryu SI, and Shenoy KV (2015) Vacillation, indecision and hesitation in moment-by-moment decoding of monkey motor cortex. eLife doi: 10.7554/eLife.04677
Kaufman MT, Churchland MM, Ryu SI, and Shenoy KV (2014) Cortical activity in the null space: permitting preparation without movement. Nature Neuroscience17(3):440-8
Shenoy KV, Sahani M, Churchland MM (2013) Cortical control of arm movements: a dynamical systems perspective. Annual Review of Neuroscience 36:337-359.
Kaufman MT, Churchland MM, Shenoy KV (2013) The roles of monkey M1 neuron classes in movement preparation and execution. Journal of Neurophysiology 110:817-825.
Gilja V, Nuyujukian P, Chestek CA, Cunningham JP, Yu BM, Fan JM, Churchland MM, Kaufman MT, Kao JC, Ryu SI, and Shenoy KV (2012). A high-performance neural prosthesis enabled by control algorithm design. Nature Neuroscience 15:1752-1757.
Churchland MM*, Cunningham JP*, Kaufman MT, Nuyujukian P, Foster JD, Ryu SI, and Shenoy KV (2012) Structure of neural population dynamics during reaching. Nature. 487: 51-56.
Shenoy KV, Kaufman MT, Sahani M, Churchland MM (2011) A dynamical systems view of motor preparation: implications for neural prosthetic system design. Prog Brain Res. 192: 33-58.
Churchland MM, Cunningham JP, Kaufman MT, Ryu SI, and Shenoy KV (2010) Cortical preparatory activity: representation of movement or first cog in a dynamical machine? Neuron.68(3):387-400
Kaufman MT, Churchland MM, Santhanam G, Yu BM, Afshar A, Ryu SI, and Shenoy KV (2010). The roles of monkey premotor neuron classes in movement preparation and execution. J Neurophysiol,104(2): 799-810.
Churchland MM*, Yu BM*, Cunningham JP, Sugrue LP, Cohen MR, Corrado GS, Newsome WT, Clark AM, Hosseini P, Scott BB, Bradley DC, Smith MA, Kohn A, Movshon JA, Armstrong KM, Moore T, Chang SW, Snyder LH, Lisberger SG, Priebe NJ, Finn IM, Ferster D, Ryu SI, Santhanam G, Sahani M, and Shenoy KV (2010) Stimulus onset quenches neural variability: a widespread cortical phenomenon. Nat. Neurosci. 13(3): 369-78
Churchland MM, Yu BM, Sahani M and Shenoy KV (2007) Techniques for extracting single-trial activity patterns from large-scale neural recordings. Curr Opin Neurobiol.17:609-18
Chestek CA, Batista AP, Santhanam G, Yu BM, Afshar A, Cunningham JP, Gilja V, Ryu SI, Churchland MM and Shenoy KV (2007) Single-neuron stability during repeated reaching in macaque premotor cortex. J. Neurosi.27:10742-50
Churchland MM, and Shenoy KV (2007) Temporal complexity and heterogeneity of single-neuron activity in premotor and motor cortex. J. Neurophysiol. 97: 4235-57
Churchland MM, Afshar A, Shenoy KV (2006) A central source of movement variability. Neuron 52: 1085-96
Churchland MM and Shenoy KV (2006) Delay of movement caused by disruption of cortical preparatory activity. J Neurophysiol. 97: 348-59
Churchland MM, Santhanam G, Shenoy KV (2006) Preparatory activity in premotor and motor cortex reflects the speed of the upcoming reach. J Neurophysiol. 96:3130-46
Churchland MM, Yu BM, Ryu SI, Santhanam G, Shenoy KV (2006) Neural variability in premotor cortex provides a signature of motor preparation. J Neurosci. 26: 3697-712
Lisberger-era Publications
Churchland MM, Priebe NJ and Lisberger SG (2005) Comparison of the spatial limits on direction selectivity in visual areas MT and V1. J. Neurophysiol.93:1235-45
Churchland MM, Chou IH and Lisberger SG (2003) Evidence for object permanence in the smooth-pursuit eye movements of monkeys. J Neurophysiol. 90: 2205-18
Priebe NJ, Churchland MM and Lisberger SG (2002) Constraints on the source of short-term motion adaptation in macaque area MT: I. The role of input and intrinsic mechanisms. J Neurophysiol 88: 354-69
Churchland MM and Lisberger SG (2001) Shifts in the population response in the middle temporal visual area parallel perceptual and motor illusions produced by apparent motion. J Neurosci 21: 9387-9402
Priebe NJ*,Churchland MM*, and Lisberger SG (2001) Reconstruction of target speed for the guidance of pursuit eye movements. J Neurosci 21: 3196-206
Churchland MM and Lisberger SG. (2001) Experimental and computational analysis of monkey smooth pursuit eye movements. J Neurophysiol 86: 741-59
Churchland MM and Lisberger SG. (2000) Apparent motion produces multiple deficits in visually guided smooth pursuit eye movements of monkeys. J Neurophysiol 84: 216-35